
Lands of always winter
Lands of always winter

lands of always winter

Their history of conflict with mankind is so ancient that the people of Westeros have mostly forgotten they even exist. As if they are Martin’s snowy take on Daleks. That the Others are essentially either evil, or at least amoral horror movie monsters. We don’t know what motivates them, and yet most have made their judgement. We wonder whether or not they are in some regard human, what made them appear in the first place, what relation do they have to the Children of the Forest, whether the Others helped build the giant wall of ice, and so much more. There is so much about them we don’t know, and so much where we have so little to go on that we can only speculate. The Others and what they’re doing are the first mystery of our story, and certainly one of the most puzzling. “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” – Harper Lee Now it’s time to apply that understanding to their actual history. Hopefully you now believe that it’s theoretically possible for the Others to not be one dimensional final bosses. In Part 1 we talked about the Others from a conceptual standpoint. Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Lands of always winter